Saturday, August 23, 2008

I have my most amazing revelations in four places: driving to work, running, cleaning dishes and either sleeping or just about to fall asleep. Tonight, it was cleaning dishes. As I stood there, a random thought passed through my mind. Being random, however, didn't rob it of being a powerful insight. Many times, when I deliberately sin, knowing full well I am doing wrong, I find myself feeling good at that moment. By that I mean, I am not aware of guilt, consequences, emotions, thoughts, the future or the past. It's like I am outside of time for a moment. This realization points to why I go there. It is a way to find ecstasy, a place outside of myself, where who I normally am is washed away temporarily. That has a great allure. It is pure escapism. The hook of sin is that everything comes back. Sin normally is a short-lived hit of numbing agent, the sting of which is greater than the pain it is meant to numb. To me, it's funny that many people are addicted to drugs, but, the same mechanism can occur with anything. I guess for me, sin is my escape. My hiding place from goodness. I think at the same time, that sense of guilt, connected, pain, that is God helping me to be in touch with others, Him, the challenges of reality as a Christian. I can only imagine what Christ saw when he looked out over the world, a place full of sick, ailing souls. From the sanitarium...getting better every day. By God's grace.

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