Sunday, August 17, 2008

All right, confession time. A few years ago, while we lived in Baton Rouge, pastor Pete-our lead pastor-did something interesting. He told everyone that we believed in the five fold gifts, as outline in Ephesians 4. He had placed small pieces of paper in a bucket with the names of the gifts written on them. If anyone felt led, he said, come up and get a piece of paper. Around this time I had discovered Streams ministries and the prophetic arena, dreams, and all that jazz. So, I wanted to be a prophet. Lo and behold, I grabbed a piece of paper labeled 'teacher'. I was disappointed. And, of course, everyone said, "Duh, did you really think it would be anything else?" I didn't really like that. Here we are 4 or 5 years later and I am publicly confessing I am humbly accepting my call as a teacher. (I wonder, in the back of my mind, if it is public if I have no readership and rarely if ever actually meet anyone who reads this. But, I digress.) I wish I could say it was with humility and graceful joy, but, it's really more with mumbling and grumpy reluctance.

So, as a matter of accountability, I have to admit, I have much writing to catch up on. At least 20 blog posts I have saved as drafts because the ideas are rough, at very best and, quite frankly, I am a procrastinator. To keep me honest, if you read this with any regularity, send me an email and post every now and again asking about the following three books I am supposed to work on:

1) Ephesians 6
2) several words, such as perfection, chance and love, that I have discovered the Biblical meanings of which revitalized my understanding of things
3) the role of teacher in the Bible

If I haven't written any of these in the next couple of years, goad me with an email or note.

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