Thursday, February 14, 2008

While driving a few days ago I had a nice little realization. As I passed and accident I had to physically force myself not to look. It was the strangest thing. Then, it dawned on me that many of the habits we fall into becomes forceful. The phrase, force of habit, it took on a new dimension. Having to literally force myself to not look. It was amazing to think, so many of the walls we construct are just a result of choices repeated over time. After enough repetitions, they become so engrained they seem real. It was as if a force was drawing me to look at that accident. Like someone was physically turning my head.

Then, I thought about the energy that could be freed by breaking these bonds...these habits. Being bound by habit prevents us from a great many things. A freedom found by the deliberate resistance to imaginary forces, powers. How much of our lives do we live simply obeying these forces? I didn't know I was following a habit. Only by a brief glimpse of did I realize I could turn my head, not look, start making new, different choices. I want to start applying this to my life, start looking at larger aspects, deeper habits, start seeing the forces for what they are and make new decisions. I am curious to see how unraveling these forces could transform my life. It is interesting to say the least.

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