Angels, angels everywhere?
I think one of the reasons I like to think of the self as that over-arching sense of the patterns which form our sense of continuous existence points me to the luxuary factor. It's so easy to just let things be the way they are. Change, however, is not quite so easy. It often forces us to question things we faced, answered and put to bed. Of course, some of these life questions come more often than others. Now, what in the world does this have to do with my post? Only a little, but, I see the patterns of what we expect to be as forming a lot of our mindless behaviour. If we choose to actively ignore, that is to say, not question, our ways, we can mosey along quite contentedly without reason for looking back. Then, as Murphy's law would have it, things sometimes force us to turn around.
So, the point of all this: angels. While in the ER recently, I saw Perry Stone. Mannafest? Anyone ever hear of it? Kerri and I used to watch it all the time in Baton Rouge. Now that we are all metropolitan-that's economically challenged, if your pronounce it phonetically-and live in Dallas, we don't have high falutin thing like cable, so, that's out. Anyhow, something about the show made me think of angels. I literally walk around all day, particularly when I am somewhere outside my normal course of events and pattern of affairs, wondering, is the next person I meet going to be an angel? Perry Stone was talking about fallen angels (no my topic), and, in the teaching he said that angels can take the form of men. Now, many Christians might instantly scoff at this. Some might say, oh yeah, I think I remember something like that. Others are already on the same page. Yeah, I wonder, how many other people really walk around with this kind of mentality, really wondering, is the person I'm talking to a person or the Lord or a demon? Perhaps it sounds crazy, but, biblically speaking, this is a sound way to look at life. Does anyone else wonder about the folks their speaking with, or am I all alone here?