Sunday, September 07, 2008

Spiritual ecologist

Many years ago, in an experience I will relate another time, I was told to meditate on the term "spiritual ecologist". At the time, I stumbled onto a book by Ken Wilber titled, "Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution". I remembered reading it as more of a collection of unfocused, rambling thoughts of a man who clearly had insights, but, no cohesive vision to tie them together. Nonetheless, I still was excited to have something to confirm the term had some real world connection. I did a quick Google search and saw 140 hits for this specific term as of today. Seems like someone wants me to look back at the concept again.

Just because I am leery of people playing with gigantic, multi-million dollar toys

Why does government allow scientists to spend 1/2 billion dollars on technology like this? Why can't people get fed, hospitals get built, debts be abolished? On top of that, these old cooks could possibly do something and people not even realize the warnings were portending some flavor of truth.