Monday, February 25, 2008

Ruminations on princess toothpaste

My girls have princess toothpaste to help them get used to using adult toothpaste. Since we are remodeling and I couldn't find ours anywhere I used the pink goop. While I was brushing my teeth and looking around I noticed three princesses (we have princesses everyone) on the toothpaste tube. Around them were all sorts of glimmers of light and sparkles. Seeing as the toothpaste was named "Bubble gum magic", it made me think of Page's most requested movie, Cindarella. Those sparkling likes and magic are everywhere. Now, this isn't a magic is evil and we should ban kids from seeing it type thread. Rather, I had the notion come to me that, while fantasy is a dimension kids in particular find more meaningful than adults, the spiritual experiences I have been having and reading more about, in particlar orbs, lights, heavenly hosts, etc, are things kids might inherently be drawn to because of increased sensitivity. Kids are typically far more spiritually aware than adults and it makes sense that kids would see this "magic"--translated into this prophetic Chrsitianese as orbs, lights, angels, etc.--as a part of every day life. In other words, kids relate to these movies moreso than anything else because it is how they really experience things. We often dismiss their fondness for these movies as youthful fantasy and regard it as nothing more. My "bubble gum magic" moment was the realization that this "magic" kids see is probably something real, something signficant and something not to be dismissed. I want to talk to the girls and see if I can ferret out some confirmation of this insight, but, I think He showed me something with why "princesses" are so enamored with their movies and all that is royal.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Curious TV

The past few weeks Kerri and I have been watching, when we have time, the new ABC show "Eli Stone". We both think the show was a concept shelved a while back, pulled out while the writer's strike waged on. However, it is interesting that the prophetic, even though it is distorted rather liberally, has risen to the level of national attention, or at least consciousness. Sure, there are some seriously frightening implications people might draw about the prophetic from watching this show. Nonetheless, the fact that a major broadcasting network put a show whose main subject matter is how a prophetic person would operate in today's society seems like a remarkably strong move. Perhaps the whole strike was run just so this show could air. I sincerely doubt it, but, He has been known to do stranger things.

When all's said and done, I think it will be phased out at the end of the season. If it lasts two, I'd be shocked. One big question we have is whether the show's writers will dabble in those ever-dangerous waters of underlining the good versus evil theme. A few years ago a show we both watched with increasing interest, "Joan of Arcadia", began get progressively closer to making a thematic statement in line with the Christian message. When they introduced the character of satan, the show abruptly ended a few weeks later. It's seems things were getting a little too real and people starting barking. Were Eli to start tapping into this type of theme, it would definitely get yanked. We're hoping, as intentionally non-religious yet spiritual as the show is, it won't get canned just yet so God can do whatever it is he needs to do with this one.

Watching with eager curiosity to see what happens...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The innocent victim.
The guilty party.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

While driving a few days ago I had a nice little realization. As I passed and accident I had to physically force myself not to look. It was the strangest thing. Then, it dawned on me that many of the habits we fall into becomes forceful. The phrase, force of habit, it took on a new dimension. Having to literally force myself to not look. It was amazing to think, so many of the walls we construct are just a result of choices repeated over time. After enough repetitions, they become so engrained they seem real. It was as if a force was drawing me to look at that accident. Like someone was physically turning my head.

Then, I thought about the energy that could be freed by breaking these bonds...these habits. Being bound by habit prevents us from a great many things. A freedom found by the deliberate resistance to imaginary forces, powers. How much of our lives do we live simply obeying these forces? I didn't know I was following a habit. Only by a brief glimpse of did I realize I could turn my head, not look, start making new, different choices. I want to start applying this to my life, start looking at larger aspects, deeper habits, start seeing the forces for what they are and make new decisions. I am curious to see how unraveling these forces could transform my life. It is interesting to say the least.
You ever seen those commercials where the beagle has it's skin pulled back, wind blowing full tilt, slobber flying backwards? That's my family right now. We're busy beyond definition. Seems like this promotion God's got us absorbing than we think (or seem to think) we are able to handle without screaming, alcohol or some combination of both! Anyhow, a new car, new job, new PC (my old one died), renovations and the hope to move in the next 3-4 months. Lots on our plates. But, it seems like things will be good when we're all done. We've got some pictures on Kerri's site. As we make progress I'll post some just to show what in the world is going on.